When we fight, it kills me. It takes me to a dark place. Often when it gets bad, I need you to pull me out of it with a hug. I need you to hold me tight and let me feel like you'll never let me go. Suck up your anger and hold me and tell me you love me. Because sometimes I can't get out by myself. I can't do it.
Sometimes we need to fucking take it and just create the postive energy when one of us has none and share it with the other. Obviously, we sometimes bring out things in the other that aren't the best, but other times are the exact opposite. I wish we could talk more. I wish we could be freer with each other. I feel like this week has totally shut me down and out and probably you a bit too or a lot maybe.
This week has sucked some serious balls.
I found a quote I really liked. I thought we could put it to use.
"For a great many years, I asked this question: 'To communicate or not to communicate?' If one got himself in such thorough trouble by communication, then of course one should stop communicating. But this is not the case. If one gets himself into trouble by communicating, he should further communicate. More communication, not less, is the answer."
— L. Ron Hubbard
I fucking love you so much. I would never have gone through the trouble that we've gone through if I didn't think you were something special. We've been really good besides this last week. Let's not get all tangled up over nothing.
Lets talk.