Sunday, August 8, 2010

Monday, July 26, 2010

I Wish I Were a Vampire.

If I didn't have to sleep, I could live twice the life I life now. Imagine that. What one could do with twice the time that we seem to have. I suppose it comes down to a race against your body. In my opinion, we exist infinitely, beyond time and space and the physical universe. We get X amount of time to live this life in this body and then we move on. You race against your own body to do all the things one wants to do, in the time that it looks or moves a certain way. I think that's part of what makes this whole Vampire fad so attractive. They're indefinitely young and good looking and they can basically do whatever they want. They can learn all the skills/hobbies/fields they feel desire and they physically don't pay for it at all. They can fulfill the thirst for knowledge and prestige and move on at their own pace, while keeping the wealth of this physical world as well as the wealth of the mind they've accumulated.

Wouldn't it be nice, if we didn't have to start from scratch every 70-80 years? I think so.

Friday, June 18, 2010