Burningman starts in two weeks and three days. For me, its on my mind all the time. The dust and the weird costumes call me. For most, its a return home. As a virgin (one who has never been to BM), they make you ring the bell and then roll in the dust, welcome you home and give you a hug. Its all very hippy but somehow feels right. check it out ---> http://burningman.com
This year is special for me though. Things I had a desire and fleeting thought for are coming into a reality that I thought unrealistic. The first night I was at Burningman in 2006, I thought, "How awesome would it be to make a movie here?" And I AM!! I am helping produce what I think will be a fantastic voyage of documentation at Burningman. Also, I wanted to go with people who are experiencing Burningman mostly sober and without hallucinations. haha check it out---> http://asthedustsettles.com
Anyway, I am really excited. Any of you are welcome to join me. I would love it if you did. Its something to experience, fo'sho!
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