Friday, August 8, 2008

Burningman Count Down

Burningman starts in two weeks and three days. For me, its on my mind all the time. The dust and the weird costumes call me. For most, its a return home. As a virgin (one who has never been to BM), they make you ring the bell and then roll in the dust, welcome you home and give you a hug. Its all very hippy but somehow feels right. check it out --->

This year is special for me though. Things I had a desire and fleeting thought for are coming into a reality that I thought unrealistic. The first night I was at Burningman in 2006, I thought, "How awesome would it be to make a movie here?" And I AM!! I am helping produce what I think will be a fantastic voyage of documentation at Burningman. Also, I wanted to go with people who are experiencing Burningman mostly sober and without hallucinations. haha check it out--->

Anyway, I am really excited. Any of you are welcome to join me. I would love it if you did. Its something to experience, fo'sho!

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