Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Watch This #2.5

I know I already posted this, but this is the final version of it... AND its also the first of our six episodes. I am in I think 4 or 5 of the episodes. I'll post them here but you could also subscribe or favorite it on youtube.

Did you know? #2

That I LOVE rain? I always have. Even it it was shit-storming-rain. A couple days ago on my 7 day weather forecast, it said it was going to rain Tuesday. It was supposed to rain up in the bay area, so I thought I would get doubly lucky, going from LA to the Bay and it would still be raining. As a kid I spent a lot of time playing in the rain. My mom never had a problem with it. It was never, "You're gonna catch your death" kinda thing for her. And I never did, by the way.

Tonight, I dropped my car off at Tim's house so it wouldn't get ticketed or stolen or something. I decided instead of calling for a ride, I would walk to the train station and then home from Union Station. I had enough forsight to take my umbrella with me (as I've been checking the forecast for the hourly "raincast." When I got to the Filmore train station in Pasadena, there was a homeless guy that got off the train before my train came, and I watched him. And he was interesting. Eventually he looked at me and I waved hello to him. I figured I owed him that much after staring at him for a good couple minutes. He was kind of a crazy one. But I think he was probably more scared of me that I was of him (which wasn't much, except for a moment). I would have loved to let my train go and pick his brain but I would have been stranded as it was the last train of the night, I believe. When I got to Union Station everything was quiet. There were people there kind of waiting about, or sleeping in the nice leather seats. Its a beautiful place that everyone should see even if they aren't traveling.

I could have driven all night in the rain. I even considered driving up to the bay in my car that I don't trust to get me there, just so I could drive in the rain. LA doesn't have much rain. I grew up in the Bay Area where there are seasons and generally a good amount of rain in each except the summer. Eventually, I decided against driving up, as I remembered the picture of California's weather for the next couple hours and knew there wasn't going to be rain past a certain point.

For me, rain was always cleansing me. It wiped down the surface of the earth and restarted many natural cycles. It renewed the smell to things or washed away the months of oily cars zooming down its surfaces. On my trip home in the open rain (under my umbrella, of course!) I smelled many different things I normally don't smell. I smelled my Hawaii trip from New Years of 2007. I smelled watermelon, which is a strange one to smell in the middle of downtown LA, in the middle of the night, and in the middle of the rain. I smelled piss on a homeless guy I walked by. I smelled wet asphalt. And while wet asphalt isn't that pleasant of a smell, it's the nostalgia it evokes. Wet days on the school playground, when days were simple and cold and pretty.

Rain makes me happy, it makes me smile and I feel serene. Nothing in the world can be wrong when I am standing in the rain.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Friday, November 21, 2008

What I'm Grateful For

I was going to buy these at one point. I wish I had. They'd be a great present for Anne.

Um, I think its pretty obvious what's so funny.

People Are Genius!

I love people. They really amaze me. At first, one could look at this picture and say, "That's hella ghetto." But take a second look, PURE GENIUS. I would totally sit in the boot of the car.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Daily Workout: Butternut Squash

I've never cook butternut squash before, but I've loved it when I've had it before. So I thought, instead of buying the pre-cut stuff from Trader Hosenladin (Trader Joe's) I bought a nice organic one from Ralph's in Hollywood. I decided I was hungry and needed to incur some bodily eating. So I proceeded to make some food. I realized, as I was making the first cut into the top that it was a tough mofo and that there is a reason it is only sold pre-cut at Trader Joe's. Its hard as fuck! Seriously, I wouldn't be surprised if I was sore tomorrow from cutting it into cubes. Anyway, like most of my cooking, my meal was improv'd with the stuff I had in the kitchen. It turned out pretty delish so I think I'll give you the recipe.

organic olive oil
2 organic med onions
2 cups organic water hahahah
2 cups spaghetti sauce
1 smallish med butternut squash
fresh basil
fresh mint
cayenne pepper

in a large pot, pour olive oil just enough to coat the bottom of the pot. dice onions and toss in. Carmelize onions add salt to taste at this point. pour 4 cups sauce and water into pot, stir and let simmer for a bit. add basil, mint, rosemary, salt, cayenne to taste. toss in butternut squash to cook in simmering sauce now. cook for 25 minutes or until lightly softened. Stir occasionally.



Improv cooking!

Something Really Terrible happened...

My boyfriend's cat, Jimmy, peed on my purse. Thats not the worst part though, my phone got it in the bottom part of it, in the speaker and the button, so when I am talking I am inhaling boycat peepee. Its pretty ga-nar-lee. But I can't stay mad forever. Mama Kittie (my cat) was licking my phone tonight, and drooled a little. I don't know if she was excited or angry....

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Nissan Cube or I may call it Nissan CUTE!!

I am IN LOVE with this little car. It comes to the US in 2009 and I am so excited. My car is slowly dying. Last week the fan for the heater and a/c went out except for level 4. So unless I want hot or cold air blasting my face/feet/window I've got to get that fixed or sell my car. Not to mention a plethora or other comforts going down the tubes. I only wonder how long it is until my car dies completely. I wonder if I can wait til next spring to get a Cube or if I am going to have to get a used Scion xB (old style). I wouldn't mind that so much, but if I could have a new car for the same price that is just as cool maybe, possibly cooler, then I should just go for that. Plus, I like Nissan. I have had a Nissan for 10 years now, its been a good long ride why not continue?

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Kombucha Pt. 5

I am turning into kombucha vinegar. Its delish.

Christmas is Around the Corner

And I am sooooo excited! Today I got some fantastic news! I am going to be having Christmas at Discovery Bay!!! I have spent most of my Christmases there and they have been very special. Unfortunately, last year, we didn't go to Discovery Bay because there was someone that couldn't be there who is an integral part, but this year we are all going to be there. It is an old house that I spent many of my weekends growing up in. It has an old brown couch that sucks the energy out of you by cradling you to sleep and fantastic views of the delta. It sits on the water and on a specific night before Christmas, they have a boat parade with all the boats covered in twinkle-y lights. It gives me so much excitement to know we are all going to be there. :):):):)

I love Christmas. Its a great time of the year, full of love and full of life. I can't wait for you to be here Christmas. Oh get here soon!

If you Live, Work or Play in Downtown...

Take this survey pleeeease. It will help us get a Trader Joe's and whatever else you like. :D Downtown LA survey