Sunday, November 2, 2008

Christmas is Around the Corner

And I am sooooo excited! Today I got some fantastic news! I am going to be having Christmas at Discovery Bay!!! I have spent most of my Christmases there and they have been very special. Unfortunately, last year, we didn't go to Discovery Bay because there was someone that couldn't be there who is an integral part, but this year we are all going to be there. It is an old house that I spent many of my weekends growing up in. It has an old brown couch that sucks the energy out of you by cradling you to sleep and fantastic views of the delta. It sits on the water and on a specific night before Christmas, they have a boat parade with all the boats covered in twinkle-y lights. It gives me so much excitement to know we are all going to be there. :):):):)

I love Christmas. Its a great time of the year, full of love and full of life. I can't wait for you to be here Christmas. Oh get here soon!

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