Wednesday, May 28, 2008

People and Their Kids

Um, okay. So people have kids all the time right? Why is it these days its okay to have a kid with someone you're not really that committed to? Like "let me knock you up" and then we'll try and stick it out together and then split the kids' time. WTF? Or when you know that one of the people is a total fuck but they go and have that kid anyway. I'm all for having kids. I want some myself one day. But you throw two people together for a couple minutes of pleasure and they pop out a kid that is going to be very disfunctional if the parents don't have it together. I'm not saying everyone from a broken home is damaged but I would say they are more so than their counter-parts. Not that people who have parents that are still together or were raised while they were together in the formative years are less damaged, but I might go as far to say that they are *maybe* on the whole a bit less.

Whats with this shotgun wedding thing going on in Celebrity World. Jessica Alba, Ashley Simpson etc. Why can't they wait for kids until they've committed themselves to each other instead of committing themselves because of a kid. It seems like life, love and relationships are so disposable these days. Its sad.

I have always been somewhat of an idealist despite the world looking quite glum for long-term-life-partnerships. I hope that people can have relationships that last forever. I hope that, because I want that. But I also want excitement and freedom that oft disappears whence in a relationship. I wish they could go hand in hand. I know they can but then often other things, important things, don't match up.

I hate reality TV.

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