Monday, August 11, 2008

Conference Calls and Bicycles

They don't mix.

Let's back up, I had a guest staying with me for a week or so. And like any bad host, I left him alone for 5 of the 7 days. I had to go out of town for my elementary school best friend's wedding to her long time boyfriend. Which was quite fun, by the way. By the time I was to return my friend that was staying with me, Ryan, had to go visit family friends in San Diego. This left us Sunday to do something fun. He had heard about the Standard Downtown's Sunday Summer Lameness, I mean, er, Funness. Anyway, they made us wait in line and then they wanted us to pay 60 bucks for 2 girls and 2 guys. Sorry but thats just not my cup of tea. I said, "Eff that." and we left. We soon arrive at the Westin Bonaventure on 2nd and Fig. Break into their hotel and swim there. Nice, low key and just for hotel guests only.

We continue to have a nice time until we have to leave so Ryan can catch the train to SD. I realize I am missing a conference call about the project I'm working on, so I hop on and tell Tim, Anne and Ryan that I'll be on a conference call as we leave the hotel on our bikes. Did I mention we were on our bikes this whole time?

I get on my bike, go through the tunnel, phone in hand, earbuds in ears, ass on bike seat- all while I'm still on this conference call. I'm flying the 20mph or so that we are flying at and eventually I grip my left handle bar a bit too tightly. For those of you that don't know, the left brake is for the front tire.

Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. Over the handle bars and a little to the left.

I didn't have time to be frightened or embarassed, but I did seriously "eat shit" or pavement rather. I did walk away though, with not being too injured. I do have a nice little bruised, slightly sprained ankle and some other nice battle wounds from fighting the physical universe. All in all, my left side of the body is a bit sore today and my ankle is a little angry with me.

We got my friend off to the train station and Tyler, my brother, came over for the monthly haircut/dinner with the sis. We had a nice Korean BBQ dinner. My little adopted family and me.


SWITCH™ said...

welcome to the blogspher.

Eva said...
