Wednesday, January 7, 2009

New Years Traditions

I have a tradition that I started about 5 years ago. The first grocery shopping I do of the New Year, I get whatever I want pretty much. I don't worry about the price, I get all the food I feel like (within). Usually its not more than about 150 bucks. Sometimes this poses a problem as sometimes at the New Year, I am wiped out from Xmas and traveling or maybe just kinda broke. But its a wish/hope/idea/postulate for the New Year of prosperity and a full belly. Start the New Year with abundance. Right now I have an abundance of food, which being a bit of a foodie, makes me VERY happy.

I think I have some other traditions that have just become part of my existence to the point of they are just how I am... I dunno. But they're fun. Traditions are started because something is enjoyable or a successful action, so one continues to do it at a certain point or the calendar. Cultures have these, religion has these, familes have 'em too.

What are some of yours?

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